Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Ok so I’m finally going to tell you part of what happened with The Move (Sydney to London).

The Plane: was that I was going to move to London and stay with one of my brothers friends and his sister and girlfriend and I’d work and live there until Sept when my mates where coming over and we were going on a month long Contiki tour which would bring me home mid October 2007.

What Happened: I freaked the fuck out. It was such a culture shock. I don’t think I was ready to go from the start and I should’ve listened to my instinct before I went rather than while I was over there. Within a few days of being there I had booked my flight home. I’m a strong believer of doing what feels right. And London just didn’t feel right. I was so sick from stress over there that I lost 7kg in 10 days!!! (Perhaps I should stress myself out more often. Haha).

The Result: As disappointed I am, in myself, that I wasn’t able to stay and didn’t give it longer – I still don’t regret my decision to come home. I think I needed to travel more before doing something that huge. I could probably go back to London tomorrow and be fine because it wouldn’t be so much of a shock. I know some people think that I failed as much, but I don’t feel that way. I do still hope to go back to London and try again – but I’ll wait until I’m 100% ready this time.

That of course is the long story cut short but I really have gotten so over explaining that whole thing =)

I’ve been thinking about materialistic things lately – and I think that played a huge part in how uncomfortable I was over there. But that's a whole different story!!

In the meantime I can’t wait for my Contiki tour in September where I will venture back to London and hope round 2 is more enjoyable. I don’t know that I can spend the next 5 and a half months doing what I’m doing now. At the moment – New Zealand is looking like a mighty fine option to spend the new few months…

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Last night myself and a few of the gals said farewell to an aussie band who we grew up listening to, and ultimately farewell to the adolescent inside of us.

We first started listening to 28 Dayswhen we were 16 year old wanna-be punk rockers. Fast forward a year to the day I got my drivers permit and we saw them live for the first time. It was also the first time, at the all ages event, that us gals met my older brothers mates – and to this day we still like to attempt to show them up when it comes to drinking.

My fondest memories of 28 Days are being in my first mosh pit which resulted in my having bruises across my rips from being pushed up against the barrier. Or having the lead singer, Jay, sign my 28 Days shirt that CJ & I customized to make it look a little more girly (I still have that shirt!!!). Or maybe it was when my next door neighbour, a fellow 28 Days fan, rang me just before 7.30am one morning to tell me that Scotty, the drummer for 28 Days, had died in a car crash (it was such important news that she justified ringing me 10 mins before I was due to knock on her down, as I did every morning, to walk to school with her). Or maybe it’s the fact that 28 Days got me to my first Big Day Out, Homebake, Livid, Warper Tour and any other festival they played at. Not to mention all the smaller pub gigs they did.

Admittedly, it’s been a while since I’d listened to their music (or any bands from the punk/rock genre) but when we heard they were embarking on their farewell tour, which would come straight through our town, there is no way in hell we’d miss it.

Apart from being more than half a decade older and wearing a shift style dress over black skinny leg jeans with stiletto boots & quilted hobo style bag instead of the once favorable ripped shorts with converse all stars and poorly customized tees… not much had changed.

The music was great with plenty of drinking by all. Even the crowd was the same – complete with old friends from our teenage era and high school hook ups =)

And after all these years – we finally got a photo with the band (well two of them anyways)

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RIP 28 Day. Thanks for the memories.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


In preparation for another crazy weekend with my gal pals I thought I’d display some photos of our finer* moments;

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I know it’s totally cliché but I really couldn’t live without my mates. They are so supportive, caring, crazy and fun and basically everything you could want in a friend.

However…I am in the search of some new friends! No I’m not replacing mine… I’m looking for friends who want to travel!!! My girlfriend’s are all a bit more sensible and stable than I am therefore the idea of randomly packing up and going on a ‘holiday’ isn’t really their thing!!

So I want suggestions as to how I go about finding some new pals with a particular interest in traveling. Do I join a website for travel buddies (if a website of that kind exists)? Do I go stay in a backpacker’s hostel in Sydney for a few nights and try and meet some people? Do I place an advert in the classifieds hoping to find a sane and non perverted travel companion?

* - I am totally kidding about these being a finer moments! I just don't really have any sober photos of us all - because we are rarely sober (joking!)

NOTE: Sorry about the dodgy quality of some of the pics.

DISCLAIMER: Any of the gals who might read this blog - sorry for posting trashy photos of you on the internet - I always told you I'd do it tho =)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


I know its almost a quarter or the way thru the early (time fly’s when your having fun hey?) But I have recently decided that I need some goals or things I want to achieve for the remainder of the year.

Of course, there are the usual things like lose some weight, be healthier, curb my spending habits blah blah blah. But I think I might actually achieve these goals because I want to do them. Not because I think I should.

Here is my list;

  • Learn to play golf - Cute outfits, A good workout, Possible good looking men, And a drink after with your fellow golfers... It all sounds good to me!!!
  • Travel Europe (part 1) - This is happening in Sept & Oct of this year on my Contiki tour
  • Learn to cook - Especially Thai or Indian food.
  • Read the occasional classic novel - Can anyone recommend any good ones?
  • Take part in a Conservation Weekend away - I saw a segment on Sydney Weekender about Montague Island and it sounds like it'd be a refreshing and rewarding experience

These two may have to wait until 2008;

  • Do a Cocktail making or Wine tasting course - For obvious reasons!
  • Go to the Great Barrier Reef- I think most Australians forget there are some amazing holiday destinations in their own backyard.

I'll b sure to keep you all updated on how my progress is going.

Monday, March 19, 2007


I’ve had a few questions regarding the statement I made that I am newly single…so I thought I’d share the story, so far, of The Break Up.

Note: I wrote that first paragraph and then spent the next 30 mins wondering what to write or where to start or how to possibly explain!!

Well… Me and B* met very early 2004 whilst we were both working in Real Estate in the same area. I’d seen him around, he’d seen me around and a good friend of mine knew him. He eventually gave me his card to which I had no intention of doing anything with (because I was in an anti men stage)** but than a work mate of mine was also mates with him and intervened.

We ended up ‘seeing each other’ for a while, but before long we were officially ‘together’ and in love.

A lot of people were surprised at our relationship as he was not my usual “type”***. But he was a great guy, very funny and caring, smart and mature and good looking. Although I got along great with his family and we frequently spent nights drinking with his brother and his partner, we did not enjoy spending time with each others friends. We were polite and could handle being around them but when it came to going out with friends we usually did it on our own or went out with his brother and their friends who we both got along with.

We were very different in ways, he was sensible with his money and of course I’m not. He liked to play it safe whereas I usually choose the reckless options. I loved the idea of traveling the world and that didn’t really appeal to him (Had had never been on a plane so I surprised him with a trip to Melbourne, Victoria for his birthday one year);

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This is us in Melbourne ****

But of course there were things we had in common – we both loved to try new restaurants and food, we both thought image and personal appearance was important and we both wanted to be successful. Basically we bought out the best in each other (at least I know he did me, I’m pretty sure I had the same effect on him lol)

Apart from the whole friend’s thing, I believe, we really did have a near perfect relationship. We both strongly believed in independence and had no desire to get married, move in together or anything like that in the near future…which is why, when I decided that moving to London was something I had to do*****, we had to make a decision.

He never had the desire to travel which was always fine by me – but we both knew we couldn’t stop each other from doing something.

So after nearly 3 years together, and a few months before my move, we went our separate ways.

Now that I’m back from London, we still talk and catch up occasionally but we both agreed that its not right for us to get back together straight away. After all, I didn’t come back from London just to get back together with him.

I do still care for and love him. And I think we both think that maybe one day (whether its in months or years) we could be together again, but for now, we are both enjoying being single after so long and I know I have realized what a great friend, above anything else, he is to me.

So while I’ve gotten used to being single and not speaking to or seeing him everyday. I still miss him in some ways. Usually when I start missing him I just think back to the times he used to bug the hell outta me – that always does the trick. =)

* - Of course not his real name

** - No, I didn’t take to being a lesbian for a while. I had just had enough of the BS in the dating game and wanted to be without a man for a while.

*** - My type (not so much type, just the guys I attracted) used to be the typical male. You know the ones, who forget to tell you they have a girlfriend or think its not cheating if you were drunk or who had no sense of style, no morals, no charm or general manners.

**** - The photo isn't great but I chose a not so clear photo on purpose. The eye thing is a little melodramatic, I know, but thats just me.

***** - I will, soon, fill you all in on The Move.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


This weekend I did something I haven’t done in a loooongggg time.

I remained sober for the whole weekend. Which my body and bank account definitely needed.

Friday night was the work dinner and it went well, but like I said in my comments, a work mate who is now a very good friend is heavily pregnant and needed to get home so I offered to drive her. I was glad to leave early because the annoying American guy (see last post) spent the whole night trying to be set up with me thru a work mate (who knew I was not interested at all)
Alcohol Consumed: 1 Coroner

Saturday night a few of us girls went around to Kit’s* place for her to cook her specialty – lasagna and we had a few drinks before heading home for a, reasonably, early night.
Alcohol Consumed: 4 Vodka & Cranberry juices’

My body is definitely thanking me for not pouring copious amounts of alcohol in it. And with the next two months filled up with Weddings, Racing Carnivals, Engagement parties, Friends birthdays drinks’ and Hens Nights this will probably be the only weekend in a long time that I manage to be in a sober state!

When was the last time you went a whole weekend without getting drunk? I’m beginning to think maybe I ‘over indulge’ at times?

Thursday, March 15, 2007


As I've mentioned before - I've got the travel bug big time! This also means that I am drawn to those who travel. Be it Aussies who want to travel or those from other countries living and working in Australia.

So it was to my great delight that I returned to my work after my short stint away (due to a failed move to London - which I will soon tell you about) to find we had hired a few temps from all over the world. I've observed them (yes, they probably think I'm that weird chick who stares at them) and made the following judgement;

Pommy Guy: I'm guessing mid to Late 20's - Very sociable. Very cute. Very Stylish. Very Very Gay.

Pommy Girl: I'm guessing mid 20's - She's a little quieter but I think she would be a real hoot once she got into her comfort zone. She's actually a really pretty girl too. I think all people from the UK must be attractive (I just didn't seem to see them whilst I was there)

American Guy: I know late 20's - Really chatty and friendly. He is very inquisitive and sometimes asks too many questions about random stuff. He is reasonably good looking but I sometimes find him a bit obnoxious. He asked me to have lunch today - I'm thankful I really was too busy to go (otherwise I'd have to have lied)

Irish Guy: I'm guessing mid 20's - Again, fairly quiet but I think would be great once he opened up. He's a total spunk, and as far as I'm aware - straight!! I wonder what he's doing for St Patties day tomorrow? haha

Scottish Girl: I'm guessing early - mid 20's This girl is dead set gorgeous. Pretty, skinny, tanned, big boobs. But she's seems very shy and could probably come across as rude.

We are all going out to dinner to a Mexican Restaurant tonight - so my opinion might change after a few drinks! Did I mention I LOVE tequila???

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I am part way thru reading Schapelle Corby's My Story, which I got my dad for Christmas and have now borrowed it off him.

Those of you in Aus or NZL would most certainly have heard of Schapelle Corby. She is the twenty something Aussie who was caught coming into Bali with 4.2kg of pot, not so well hidden, in her boggie board bag and has claimed she is the victim of a drug smuggling ring from day one.

This case soon became a talking point for most aussies at some time or another. Did she do it or is she innocent? After a trial, a re-trail and an appeal she has finally been sentenced to 20 years in a Indonesian prison.

The book is written by Corby, with Kathryn Bonella, and she talks about her experiences in prison, her trial etc etc. Regardless of if you believe she is guilty or not, being locked up in an Indonesian prison for 20 years is bad enough – let alone knowing the fact that some murderers only get 5 – 10 years!

Anyways, back on track… The book really makes me appreciate my life more and is making me see the better side of every situation. I’ve realized that little things that I’d usually have the shits about aren’t that bad. Perfect example (yes, I like to use examples a lot – you will soon realize this); Yesterday the Sydney train system, City Rail aka Shitty Rail, crashed. A broken down train at Milsons Point meant that the only chance I had of getting home before 9pm was to walk across the Sydney Harbour Bridge…in heels!!!

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Yah…that’s right. I walked the length of the Sydney Harbour Bridge (from the Purple blob to the Orange blob) and more and still wasn’t turning into a grumpy bitch. I then had to walk to Circular Quey to get on a train, and then change trains and then change again. Still I was in a happy disposition. I walked in my front door at 8.30pm – three and a half hours after leaving work and I was STILL in high spirits. As I was eating my takeaway dinner (come on you can’t expect me to cook after the afternoon I had – I’m not THAT cheerful) I was thinking about the positive things of my journey and I came up with the following;

* I’d been meaning to get off a station early either before work or on the way home so I could walk across the bridge rather than catch the train because the views truly are amazing

* I ended up chatting to my ex on the phone for most of the walk (I had to ring and ask for directions) so that was nice to just 'chat'

* As much as I’d like to say I did, I truly had no intention of going to the gym last night so the walk was good excerise.

* I think I’ve made up my mind who I’ll vote for in the upcoming state election next weekend instead of wasting my vote because I was planning on submitting a 'donkey' vote.

In the end, despite the afternoon/night I'd had - my life truly is amazing. I could be sitting in a dirty, rat infested hell hole for the next 20 years for a crime I, supposedly, did not commit.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


At the risk of being found out who I am - I've decided I'm not going to try and cover my identity too much. I am obsessed with photos and love to share them so that could prove difficult if I can't post any pics with me or my friends in it.

One thing to know about me is that I love the travel. Although my experiences are fairly limited its something I see playing a big part in my future.

In 2006 I went overseas for the first time to the North Island of New Zealand. NZL is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen (even more beautiful than Australia). We were based in Auckland, staying at the Rydges Auckland. We did a day tour up to Bay of Islands (BOI), stopping at a few places along the way;

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A biggg Kurri tree that was about 800 years old on the way to BOI

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The gorgeous blue waters of BOI

Most of our time spent in Auckland itself was shopping by day at both the downtown stores and local markets and going out by night. Auckland looked and felt much more cleaner than somewhere like Sydney.

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My kooky pals trying on some of the headwear for sale at the markets

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Freezing our butts off at Minus 5 Bar

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At Kelly Tarlton's Underwater World (great way to occupy us on a rainy day)

A few days later we did another tour, this time more inland to Rotorura. Again, we stopped a few times along the way - one of which was my favourite place Waitomo Glow Worm caves. I couldn't take any pictures there but it was an amazing, naturally beautiful place. Surprisingly, Rotorura didn't smell as bad as I had expected.

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The Thermal Spas (this is what makes Rotorura smell the way it does)

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Us girls looked a little worse for wear by the end of our first o/s holiday

All in all, New Zealand is not only somewhere I would highly recommend in general, but espeically for those who have never travelled overseas before. I found it wasn't too much of a culture shock and if us 4, sometimes clueless, girls managed to stay safe, have fun and experience a tiny part of NZL than anyone could!

I will fill you all in another time on my recent failed attempt to reloacte to London - which I like to call "My 10 days in London"

P.S I aplogise in advance for any errors or spelling mistakes when it comes to the names of places in NZL. The Maori culture and history is something that is so fascinating to me - but, my god, some of the names and places are hard to pronouce, let alone remember =)

Monday, March 12, 2007


You, if anyone is reading this that is, may have noticed that I've added a picture. Yes its of me - I've just tried to disguise it a little!!!

I'm a visual person - I like to have an idea of what the image in my mind should look like. Perfect example - I was watching season 5 & 6 of Sex & the City last night and the girls went away to the Hamptons for the weekend. So this morning I Googled "The Hamptons" to see more of what it looked liked.

Perhaps thats why I am slightly obessed with Fashion, Image, Beauty yadda yadda yadda?!?!

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Monday's. I usually can handle Monday's - unless I've had an oversized weekend and would rather spend that day recovering.

I had one of those weekends.

Saturday started off ok. Gym in the morning, Hair appointment over lunch and get ready for a night out in the afternoon. Drinking started around 8pm when we all met at Kits* house for a few warm up drinks.

Fast foward 10hours later and Maree* & I are stumbling out of the seediest club in town and being driven home by some random who had a few too many beers!

As much as I love nights like this, I hate when you wake the next morning and relive all those cringe worthy moments. Kissing the glass clearer (I think they are called busboys in the US?), Being driven home by a dunk, Almost hooking up with an 18 year old (thank god for a close male friend who saved me).

One good thing did come out of the night...I got to talking to this amazing guy who I kinda knew from way back. He ended up being at the seedy club as well and we spent the later part of the night having a drunk converstaion. Turns out he is basically my perfect guy. Oh, wait, that wasn't a good thing - because amongst the flirting and occasional harmless brushes of the arm he admitted that he had a GIRLFRIEND. Which in the end just made me like him even more because it proves he must be a faithful & honest guy.

So i did what any drunk girl does... smiled back at the guy who cleared glasses from the tabel and ended up kissing him. Going with my better judgement - I decided not to go home with him. After all he was a terrible kisser!!!!


Who am I?

I am Del Jordyn and I will share with you my daily thoughts, musings and happenings.

Of course, the name Del Jordyn is a total alias... so here is a little about who I really am

* twenty something Sydneysider

* recently single

* loves fashion, beauty, food, travelling & partying

Maybe one day I will reveal my true self, but until then, I will have alias' for myself and those who I write about just to protect our privacy of course :-p